Caring for your Hoya Pachyclada Plant can be tricky, especially if you are new to the world of houseplants. The Hoya Pachyclada Plant has unique growing conditions that can be hard to replicate in the average home environment.
The wax plant or Hoya pachyclada, native to Southeast Asia, makes an excellent houseplant and can be grown in a variety of environments, including low light conditions and indoors during the winter months.
If you’re looking to bring the unique beauty of Hoya Pachyclada into your home, it’s important to have an idea of what kind of care this stunning plant requires. With proper care, Hoya Pachyclada can thrive in just about any room in your house and still look its best through all four seasons.
Luckily, this article will cover some of the basics that you need to know about caring for this beautiful tropical plant., so you can make sure it stays healthy and happy.
Origin and descriptions
Hoya pachyclada is a perennial wax plant that is native to Sri Lanka and the tropical regions of South East Asia. This trailing, vining plant has broad green leaves with yellow edges and orange flowers that produce small orange berries. The wax plant can grow up to 4 feet tall.
In some climates, it will bloom year-round, however in more temperate areas you may need to encourage your blooms by keeping it indoors during the colder months of winter.
It’s important to note that if you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing for any length of time, your hoya will likely die back. You can replant it after the danger of frost has passed but be sure to bring it inside again before temperatures drop too low.
Hoya Pachyclada propagation
Hoya pachyclada is easy to propagate from leaf cuttings. A piece of a leaf with at least one leaf node is all that is needed to start a new plant. Remove leaves from the stem and place them in water, set them aside for a few weeks, and they will form roots.
Once they have rooted, you can transplant them into the soil and continue to grow them until they reach flowering size.
Hoya cuttings can also be grafted onto an existing plant using fresh rootstock. Grafting hoyas is best done during spring when plants are actively growing. The most common way to graft hoyas is by splicing two plants together with a slanted cut across both stems.
This type of graft is called an inverse or V graft. It has been shown to produce stronger unions than other types of grafts because it provides more surface area for growth. In addition, it produces a better cosmetic result because there are no open wounds where bacteria could enter and infect the union.
To make an inverse V-graft, first, remove any leaves from both plants below where you want to make your cut so that only bare stems remain. Next, trim off any leaves from above where you want to make your cut on each plant. On one plant, trim off about 2 inches (5 cm) above where you made your cut; on the other plant, trim off about 1 inch (2.5 cm).
Then use a sharp knife to carefully angle a 45-degree angle on each side of both stems about 1/4 inch deep.
Finally, take a sturdy rubber band and wrap it around both stems just below where you made your cuts. When wrapped tightly enough, rubber bands will seal up any gaps between the two plants and create a sturdy bond as they heal over time.
After three to four weeks, gently remove the rubber band and check to see if your graft took hold. If not, try again with another rubber band, or try wrapping some tape around each plant before making your cuts instead of using a rubber band.
Hoya Pachyclada care information
Hoya pachyclada is a low-maintenance plant that grows well in low-light settings, like a kitchen or living room. The plant’s waxy leaves give it an almost fake appearance and it blooms with white flowers in late winter and early spring.
Over time, you will need to cut back your Hoya pachyclada every so often, to keep it from getting too big. This can be done by pruning its stems at its base. It’s also important to note that while they are called wax plants, they don’t actually produce wax; rather, their wax-like leaves are due to their natural water retention abilities.
Light requirements
Hoya pachyclada is a plant that appreciates medium to low light conditions. In fact, direct sunlight will burn up and wither away these plants’ leaves. Instead, put your hoyas in an area of your home that receives bright indirect sunlight. A south-facing window is ideal, but an east or west-facing window can work as well.
Avoid placing them near a north-facing window, however; they won’t receive enough sunlight during the winter months. If you have no other option than to place your hoya near a north-facing window, use artificial lighting instead. You can also try using grow-lights for added brightness.
Soil/potting mix
Hoya pachyclada thrives in medium-sized pots that are filled with a well-draining soil mixture of perlite, charcoal, and bark. A potting mix of 50 percent pumice, 25 percent peat moss, and 25 percent sand is ideal. Never use potting soil or garden soil, both will lead to root rot.
It’s also important to make sure your hoya gets enough water during its growing season: Hoya plants need weekly watering in spring and summer.
Wax plants are one of my favorite low-light indoor plants. These tropicals love to be misted and watered about once a week.
Too much water can cause them to grow fungus on their leaves. If you keep your plant in high humidity or do not mist regularly, you can skip watering it for up to 3 weeks! When you do water, drench your plant so that water runs out of its pot, and then wait until it starts drying out before watering again.
The first thing to remember about hoyas is that they need to be fertilized in order to thrive. If you don’t fertilize them, their flowers will start to look pale, then fade away altogether.
After a few weeks without fertilizer, your plant will die. When it comes to time to fertilize your hoya, use an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer and switch over to a more specialized orchid food during fall and winter.
Hoya pachyclada is a tropical plant that needs warm temperatures to thrive. They do best in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about 16 to 26 degrees Celsius. The warmer you can keep your hoya, the faster it will grow, but avoid keeping your plant in direct sunlight for more than 30 minutes at a time.
Hoya pachyclada is a tropical plant that thrives in humid environments, so it’s important to give it a place where you can control humidity. The best way to do that is to house your plant in an enclosed container filled with pebbles or clay balls soaked in water.
Placing the container on a tray of wet pebbles will create an even more humid environment. To protect against dryness and encourage fast growth, mist your Hoya frequently during winter months when humidity is low.
The ideal humidity range for Hoya pachyclada is 70 to 80 percent. If your home is especially dry, you can increase humidity by placing a pan of water near your plant. Make sure that it doesn’t come into contact with your plant and that it’s not close enough to drown it in water.
The leaves of Hoya pachyclada are covered in scales, which are very sensitive to touch.
The Hoya pachyclada is not an easy-care plant, but with regular pruning, it can be a fun and rewarding addition to your home. You will need to trim it at least once a month during its growing season. Prune by cutting off any brown or yellow leaves from both sides of each stem.
Remove dead leaves from around the base of each stem as well. Be sure to use clean shears when you cut back your hoya so that you do not spread disease from one plant to another. Wash your hands after handling plants in order to prevent disease transmission between plants in different rooms or locations in your house.
When to repot
You should repot your Hoya pachyclada every two years, or as soon as it outgrows its container. Make sure to use a pot with at least one drainage hole. Unlike other houseplants, Hoyas do not like wet soil and are not fussy about where they grow in your home, so place them wherever they’ll get plenty of light but not a lot of direct sunlight.
Some plants will require dormancy, a period of time in which they enter a sleep-like state in order to prepare for their growing season. Hoya pachyclada requires very little dormancy and can stay on all year long.
They do best in temperatures around 70 degrees, but as long as it is not freezing cold or blazing hot, hoyas are hardy enough to withstand temperature changes with ease. They also need bright light, so place them near a window that gets plenty of sun.
If you don’t have access to natural sunlight, you can use grow lights instead. Hoyas love humidity and water, so mist them often during the spring and summer months. You should also allow their soil to dry out between watering sessions; if you notice roots starting to shrivel up, then you know it’s time for more water!
Hoya pachyclada flowers & fragrance
The small flowers are white and are barely noticeable unless you look closely. The real delight of a hoya is in its fragrance, which varies from plant to plant but usually has some hints of vanilla, strawberry, or banana.
The blooms only last one day but can be enjoyed in an arrangement or as part of your decor. Be sure not to pick off these fragrant blooms, as it’s their scent that attracts bees and other pollinators.
Growth rate
With its slow growth rate, it can take several years before your wax plant grows into an attractive specimen. It’s also very easy to propagate, so you’ll soon have new plants with which to replace those that outgrow their pots. The good news is that it doesn’t need much light or fertilizer, so you can enjoy your new plant without breaking your budget on supplies.
Hoya pachyclada plant is toxic. Its sap can cause irritation if it comes in contact with the skin.
USDA hardiness zones
Hoya pachyclada will thrive in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12.
Pests and diseases
If you have poor air circulation or humidity in your home, you may be susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases that thrive in damp conditions. But, don’t worry. Taking care of your hoya isn’t difficult.
There are many ways to help prevent the disease from affecting your hoya plant. One way is by keeping your plant at room temperature with good air circulation. Be sure not to overwater; water only when the soil is dry, then remove any excess water from pot’s bottom immediately after watering by tilting the pot or using paper towels as an absorbent.
More formally known as Hoya pachyclada, Wax Plant is an attractive, easy-to-grow, tropical vine from Southeast Asia.
With its numerous thick leaves and clusters of small fragrant white flowers, it’s also one of the very few houseplants that produce visible blooms. This exotic plant doesn’t require any special treatment or pruning once it’s been established and can be moved about easily.