Graptosedum vera higgins (commonly known as graptosedum) are succulent houseplants that are easy to grow and make beautiful additions to any home decor. Even so, they do require a bit of care and attention to keep them healthy and lush through the long winter months.
Graptosedum vera higgins is the result of crossing x Graptosedum Vera Higgins (which is itself a hybrid of x Graptopetalum and Sedum Vera Higgins) with another sedum.
If you’re planning on bringing Graptosedum Vera Higgins into your home and growing it as a houseplant, it’s important to know how to care for it properly so that you can ensure that your plant stays healthy and strong over the years.
Graptosedum vera higgins is a plant that needs very specific care in order to thrive.
This article will give you tips on how to care for your graptosedum vera higgins, so they can continue to add their beauty and elegance to your home all winter long.
Origin and descriptions
Graptosedum vera higgins plant is part of the family Crassulaceae, a Latin name that means thick and slimy. That might seem strange, but it refers to a type of succulent, such as cacti or jade plants. Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue because of its shape, and sometimes called Strawberry Jumper because it looks like strawberries when young, and red fruit when mature.
It was named after Frank G. Higgins, who discovered it in 1925 while he was exploring caves in Mexico. He sent some specimens back to his alma mater at Harvard University where they were studied by botanists and later planted in an arboretum on campus.
The plant has since been found growing wild in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Texas. The red berries are edible but not tasty; they contain oxalic acid which can be toxic if ingested too often. The leaves are also toxic so keep them away from pets and children.
Graptosedum vera higgins propagation
Graptosedum vera higgins can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take three 3-inch stems from your plant and allow them to dry out for one day. After they have dried, you will then cut them into two-inch pieces with two leaf nodes at their base on each piece.
You want all of your leaves on these cuttings including their little toes! Use a rooting hormone and insert them into a potting mix with perlite or vermiculite mixed in.
Make sure that your medium is moist but not soaking wet, as too much water will cause root rot to set in. Place your pot in a clear plastic bag and seal it up tight, making sure there are no holes in it.
Place it somewhere warm but not hot like an enclosed porch or garage where there is plenty of light but no direct sunlight. Leave it alone until new growth begins to emerge from your cutting, usually about four weeks later.
Once new growth has emerged, transplant your graptosedum vera higgins into its own container. It’s best to use a mixture of half sand and half peat moss along with some slow-release fertilizer pellets.
Water your plants once every week or so during spring, summer, and fall months while allowing them to go completely dormant during the winter months when temperatures dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you live in an area where winters get below 30 degrees, consider bringing your plants indoors during those cold spells.
Graptosedum vera higgins care information
Graptosedum vera higgins are, like most succulents, very easy-to-care-for plants. They require a sunny spot with little watering and care. The plants prefer temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 27 Celsius). But if you live in an area that gets cold at night, your Graptosedum will do well inside or in a partially shaded area.
If you choose to grow your plant indoors, make sure it has plenty of sunlight from a south-facing window. If possible, place it on a windowsill so its leaves can soak up as much sun as possible during daylight hours.
This plant is drought-tolerant and should only be watered once every two weeks or so. You may need to water it more often if it’s placed in direct sunlight all day long; otherwise, keep it on its regular schedule of once every two weeks or so.
Light requirements
Graptosedum vera higgins is a low-light succulent, so it prefers indirect or filtered sunlight. If your graptosedum vera higgins is indoors and you don’t have a bright window in your house, consider supplementing light with an artificial grow light.
Soil/potting mix
Use a moist, well-draining potting mix with a good amount of organic material, such as compost or peat moss. It’s important to use a high-quality potting mix formulated specifically for succulents. The soil should be light and very porous, so make sure it’s free of clay or other heavy ingredients that will hold on to too much water.
If you can’t find an organic option, look for a commercial cactus mix; just make sure it doesn’t contain any fertilizer. (These plants are sensitive to chemicals). Alternatively, you can create your own succulent soil by combining equal parts loam, sand, and peat moss in addition to some slow-release fertilizer pellets.
The simplest way to water a graptosedum vera higgins is with a water hose. Hold one end of the hose in your hand and turn on your spigot. Then, gently place your thumb near where you’re holding onto it. The thinnest stream that comes out should be enough to reach your plant—you don’t want it soaking wet, or any standing water nearby.
It’s very important that you fertilize your graptosedum vera higgins plant. Remember that too much fertilizer can be just as bad as not enough, so keep it at a moderate level. What works best is Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer, available in most garden stores and online.
The graptosedum vera higgins plant thrives in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures that are too cold or too hot can harm it, so it’s best to keep your higgins plant at room temperature. However, you may want to acclimate your plant gradually if you plan on moving it from a colder area of your home into a warmer one.
The graptosedum vera higgins is succulent and needs a lot of humidity. If you live in an arid climate, you can use a humidifier or purchase one of those moisture-wick systems designed for your plant.
Another option is to place a small pan filled with gravel near your plant and add water from time to time. You will have to check it daily because if it gets dry, you may kill your plant.
The ideal humidity range is 60-80% but if you can’t get it that high, aim for at least 50%. You can also use a room humidifier, but be sure not to overdo it or you may kill your plant.
In addition, make sure that you don’t water your plant until after you have added more humidity. If your air is too dry, you will want to mist your plant with distilled water once a day. The leaves of these plants are very thin and can easily rot from overwatering.
Keeping your graptosedum vera higgins well-pruned is key in maintaining a healthy, attractive plant. Pruning reduces water usage and keeps your plant’s shape more compact. It will also prevent you from being overwhelmed by its fast growth rate.
You’ll want to prune approximately once a month during the growing season; although, if you notice dead or dying leaves, you can remove them anytime, as long as they haven’t dropped onto your flooring or carpeting.
When to repot
Although you can repot graptopetalums at any time of the year, June is a good month. This will allow your plants enough time to become well-established in their new pots and help them get acclimated to their environment before winter.
Don’t forget that graptopsedums aren’t cold-hardy in many regions, and should be brought indoors if temperatures drop below 50 degrees F.
If you plan on moving your plant inside during fall or winter, keep it away from drafts and heat sources like radiators or heating vents. They prefer slightly moist soil conditions year-round so don’t let it dry out completely between waterings.
When dormancy is mentioned in reference to succulents, it usually means that a plant has entered its winter rest period.
This dormant period can last anywhere from four months up to nine months, and sometimes longer in colder regions of North America. Some species of plants never really go into full dormancy, but just slow down significantly.
Since graptosedum vera higgins doesn’t need much sunlight or water, it will stay dormant in your house until winter is over. Once that season is done, you can start caring for your plant again.
It’s a good idea to check your plant often and water it if you think it needs some moisture. When you give it water, be sure to never submerge its pot in water—that could cause root rot and kill your plant!
Flowers & Fragrance
There are many scents out there that can really help you get into a relaxing state of mind. Graptosedum vera higgins produce scents that smell like lavender and jasmine which are two very common fragrances that bring about a calm atmosphere, perfect for unwinding after a hard day’s work.
They can be found in everything from candles to shampoos and creams, making them incredibly easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
Growth rate
The rate at which a plant grows is usually determined by a combination of factors including sunlight, water, and temperature. To encourage growth, keep it in an area with plenty of sunlight but not directly in sunlight during its first few weeks.
This plant is toxic and should be avoided by pets. If your pet ingests this plant, you’ll need to bring them in for a vet visit immediately.
USDA Hardiness Zones
Graptosedum vera higgins will thrive in USDA hardiness zones 8b through 11. In colder areas, it can be grown as an annual or brought indoors during cold weather.
In warmer areas, it can be planted in spring and kept outdoors year-round. It’s important to keep graptosedum vera higgins plants out of extreme heat and direct sunlight, as these conditions can cause leaf burn.
This plant is tolerant of heat and cold, so it’s only really susceptible to temperature fluctuations.
As long as you live in a climate that doesn’t dip below 10 degrees Fahrenheit or climb above 110 degrees F, your graptosedum vera higgins should do just fine. It’s worth noting that its natural habitat has warm temperatures and daily rainfall throughout much of the year.
Pests and diseases
The biggest threat to Graptosedum vera higgins is likely some sort of pest or disease. Because it’s succulent, bugs can also be an issue. Keep a careful eye out, and address any issues right away. Addressing pests as soon as you notice them will help ensure your plant stays healthy longer and remains looking its best!
It’s very important you don’t neglect your plants when they are indoors. You should think of it as caring for a small child. Take good care of your plants, and they will reward you by growing strong and looking amazing! Happy Planting!