The Graptosedum bronze, also known as ×Graptosedum ‘Alpenglow’ or ×Graptosedum ‘Vera Higgins’ succulent, is a beautiful, easy-to-grow houseplant that deserves to be in every succulent lover’s collection.
They’re fairly low maintenance, don’t grow too tall, and always look great, making them the perfect indoor plant to brighten up your space, especially during the darker winter months.
They are popular because of their interesting leaf shape and attractive colors, but they’re also one of the most difficult succulents to care for because they aren’t drought-tolerant when growing up, and their needs change as they age.
These beautiful succulents are known to thrive in cool temperatures and they make excellent houseplants, especially during the winter months. Just follow these simple Graptosedum Bronze Succulent care tips to keep them thriving all year long!
Origin and distribution
Graptosedum bronze succulent is native to Arizona and California, but it has also been spotted in Nevada and Utah. It grows at elevations up to 6500 feet. While it does like water, it’s fairly drought-tolerant once established.
Although it’s tolerant of full sun, its form is better when grown in shade; 10 hours per day or more of sunlight will cause leaves to fall off as they age.
If you have a window that gets morning sun, that would be a good place for your Graptosedum bronze. If you want one for your desk at work, try putting it on a windowsill where there’s no direct sunlight coming through during most of the day.
They do not like cold drafts, so if you live in an area with winter temperatures below freezing, find a spot for it inside until spring.
During the winter months, you can move it outside again if you cover it with something that will allow airflow (like burlap) while protecting it from frost and wind.
Graptosedum bronze propagation
The propagation process is quite simple and works for both new and mature Graptosedums. Cuttings can be taken using either hardwood or softwood cuttings. Softwood cuttings will root faster, but the rooting rate is dependent on many other factors as well.
Hardwood cuttings are better for a more consistent rooting rate. It’s best to take your cutting from lower branches on a mature plant, so you won’t harm it by removing too much foliage with your cutting.
Be sure to use a clean, sharp blade when taking your cutting. Remove all of the leaves except for one pair of leaves near where you want to make your cut.
This will promote root growth at that spot and increase your chance of success. Make sure that there are no flowers present in order to encourage growth rather than seed production, which could hinder rooting. Once you have collected your cutting(s), place them in a glass of water and allow them to callous overnight before planting them in the soil.
Be sure to keep them moist until they begin to root. You may also find it helpful to put some rooting hormone powder into your soil before planting. If you don’t have any powder available, simply dip your cutting into some water mixed with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Rooting hormone powder helps stimulate root growth and H2O2 helps disinfect any bacteria on your cutting that might prevent successful rooting.
Graptosedum bronze succulent care
Graptosedum bronze succulent plants are very hardy plants, but they need to be watered properly. Like most succulents, they prefer full sun and don’t like being overwatered. They can survive drought conditions fairly well but will reward you for keeping them hydrated with lush growth and blooms.
If your graptosedum bronze succulent has leaves that look shriveled or have lost their color, it is likely because it is not getting enough water. The best way to tell if your plant needs water is by sticking your finger into the soil up to your first knuckle.
If it feels dry, then give it some water. A good rule of thumb is to check once a week in summer and once every two weeks in winter.
Graptosedum bronze succulent light requirements
Graptosedums can withstand direct sunlight but need protection from sunburns. Unless you live in a warm climate, keep your succulents indoors near a south-facing window. Make sure they get at least six hours of strong light each day, more in summer and less in winter.
Sunlight through glass is also OK, though it may be too diffuse for some types of plants; test your succulents on your windowsill to see how much light they can tolerate.
Soil/potting mix
Graptosedum bronze succulent plants require a cactus and succulent potting mix that drains well. This can be made at home by adding 5 parts soil, 2 parts peat moss, and 1 part sand. A commercial mixture will work as well. Add or subtract perlite or sand to alter drainage, making it more or less porous.
Graptosedums do not like wet feet! If you see water puddling around your plant’s roots, repot it in a shallower container with better drainage. If your plant is showing signs of rot or root problems, repotting may also help solve these issues.
Watering graptosedum bronze succulent
You should water your Graptosedum every 2-3 days, as they enjoy moderately moist soil. The best way to know if it needs water is to stick your finger in the soil up to your first knuckle.
If it feels dry, then it’s time for a little water. Remember that succulents don’t like sitting in wet soil for too long – so be sure to allow extra drainage by placing them on top of a layer of gravel at least 1 thick.
You don’t need to fertilize your Graptosedum. If you choose to fertilize, use a succulent-specific fertilizer diluted to 1/4 strength once a month during Spring and Summer months.
During Fall and Winter, reduce or stop feeding altogether. Fertilizer can be used year-round in temperate climates where there is no risk of freezing temperatures.
While it’s not unusual for succulents to be a bit temperamental when it comes to temperature, Graptosedum plants are particularly sensitive. If you can keep them within an ideal range of about 70-75 degrees F (21-24 degrees C), you’ll have fewer problems with rot and disease than if you let them get too hot or cold.
This said, many gardeners simply leave their plants outdoors year-round and only worry about keeping them warm in winter if they live in a cold climate.
Graptosedum bronze succulent plants are a beautiful choice for your home or garden. These plants are tender and require water only during periods of light rainfall or while they are being watered by hand.
The ideal humidity range is between 40% and 60%. If your home falls outside of these parameters, consider using a humidifier or dehumidifier to maintain a healthy environment for your succulents.
Pruning your Graptosedum bronze succulent
If your Graptosedum’s leaves are drying out and browning or falling off, it might be time to give it a haircut. At some point during its life, your plant will produce too many branches for its size and will look unhealthy.
To remedy that, prune back one-third of its branches at a 45-degree angle to promote new growth—do not cut it all the way down to just leave one big stem. This is also a good time to repot your succulent if you haven’t done so in a while; make sure you use an appropriate soil mix.
When to repot Graptosedum bronze succulent
The best time to repot a Graptosedum is when it’s starting to feel crowded in its current container. Unlike many other succulents, these plants will also tolerate being transplanted during cooler months of fall and winter.
If you want your Graptosedum to grow faster, you can even re-pot them during their growing season as long as they are receiving ample sunlight and water. Remember that repotting should always be done carefully to avoid disturbing any of their roots.
Since most succulents store water in their leaves and dormancy is usually a dry time for them, when winter approaches and it starts to cool down outside, you’ll want to start watering your plant less.
You may need to put it on a schedule of two or three waterings per month. This will prevent it from going into a dormant state early.
Flowers & Fragrance
This evergreen perennial is known for its abundant colorful blooms and can be found in a variety of colors such as pink, red, yellow, purple, orange, and green. They are extremely easy to care for because they have few to no needs when it comes to watering.
In fact, over-watering your Graptosedum can damage it, so make sure you use tepid water when you do water them.
Growth rate
Graptosedum bronze succulent is a slow-growing succulent and takes anywhere from two to four years to mature. If you want to promote speedy growth, you can remove any dead leaves or blooms and give your Graptosedum more sun exposure.
When it’s time for repotting, use a well-draining soil mix and plant Graptosedum in a container with plenty of room for its root system to grow.
Graptosedum bronze succulent is non-toxic to both humans and pets.
USDA Hardiness Zones
Graptosedum bronze succulent will thrive in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11. In colder climates, it’s best to grow your succulent indoors or as a potted plant. If you choose to grow it outdoors, make sure that it is planted in a partially shaded area with well-drained soil.
To protect your graptosedum bronze succulent from frost damage, bring it inside during the cold winter months and place it near a sunny window.
Pests and diseases
Depending on where you live, your Graptosedum bronze succulent may be prone to certain pests or diseases. For example, in areas with especially hot summers, spider mites may become a problem.
If that’s true in your case and you notice some of your leaves have brown or pale spots on them, take a look at their undersides—you might see tiny red spiders or white specks.
These are spider mites! A blast of water from your hose should do the trick; if not, try an insecticidal soap spray.
Another common pest is mealybugs, these little bugs can cover stems and leaves like snowflakes. Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe them off.
In order to properly care for your Graptosedum Bronze succulent, you will need a slightly different set of tools than what is needed to care for normal succulents.
They are fragile and extremely sensitive to cold temperatures, so be sure you are not exposing them to freezing or sub-freezing temperatures.