Sempervivum raspberry ice is an easy-to-grow houseplant that can bring vibrance and color to your home. They like to be kept in indirect sunlight, as too much sunlight will make them lose their vivid red and pink colors.
Sempervivums are also known as hens and chicks and liveforever, which are all very fitting names since it’s usually the first plants to pop up in the spring.
Sempervivum raspberry ice grows profusely in the spring and early summer, producing bright pink flowers that cascade out of the rosette-like mini fireworks displays. It can be hard to resist their allure, but it’s important to know how to care for sempervivum raspberry ice properly or you could end up harming your plant instead of helping it.
If you have one of these unique succulents in your collection, these tips will help keep your plant thriving so you can enjoy its beauty longer!
Origin and distribution
Sempervivum raspberry ice is a native of the Canary Islands. It’s a member of the Crassulaceae family and is closely related to Sedum and Echeveria. The plant gets its name from the Latin semper meaning always and vivus meaning living, referring to its ability to seemingly come back from the dead after being allowed to dry out.
Sempervivum raspberry ice is a perennial succulent that’s frost-hardy and drought-tolerant. It also has large rosettes that produce spikes of pink flowers in late summer. When grown in full sun, this plant can reach heights of 12 inches tall with a spread of about 24 inches wide.
The plants are dormant during the winter months so be sure to provide them with protection during those months if you live in an area where temperatures regularly drop below freezing for extended periods of time.
Sempervivum raspberry ice propagation
Sempervivums are very easy to propagate. The best time to propagate is in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. To propagate, simply take a cutting from an existing plant and insert it into a pot of well-draining soil. Keep the cutting moist but not wet and in a few weeks, you should see new growth.
When transplanting your plants, be sure to put them outside during the day and bring them inside at night until they get used to their new environment. You can also keep them inside during the winter as long as they get enough light and you water them regularly. Be sure to grow them in indirect sunlight so that the sun doesn’t scorch the leaves.
Sempervivum raspberry ice care information
Sempervivums are a type of succulent that is perfect for those who are new to plant care. They are easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of conditions. The Sempervivum Raspberry Ice is a beautiful variety that features deep red leaves with a purple hue.
These plants are perfect for adding a splash of color to any indoor or outdoor space.
Light requirement
Sempervivum requires very little light to grow and thrive. In fact, too much light can scorch and damage the leaves. If you live in an area with strong sunlight, it’s best to grow sempervivum in a pot so you can move it around to find the perfect spot.
Soil/potting mix
Sempervivums are not fussy when it comes to soil, but they do prefer a well-draining mix. A standard potting mix with some extra perlite or pumice added will work well. If you’re growing your plants in containers, make sure to use a light potting mix that won’t hold too much water.
You can also add sand, small pebbles, gravel, charcoal, and more perlite/pumice to the soil for extra drainage. The goal is to have the right balance of both coarse and fine material so the plant roots can be aerated while still being held in place by the finer material around them.
Sempervivum raspberry ice can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, from once a week to once a month. They are drought-tolerant and will do best in well-drained soil. If you water them too much, they will rot.
It’s best to err on the side of underwatering. The plants won’t die if left dry for two weeks. To overwater: place pots or containers on top of wet paper towels or pieces of newspaper before filling with the potting mix; then top with more wet paper towels or newspaper.
Fertilizing your Sempervivum is important to keep it healthy and happy. However, over-fertilizing can be just as harmful as not fertilizing at all. When applying fertilizer, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Generally, you should fertilize your Sempervivum once a month during the growing season. In the winter, you can reduce the frequency to every other month or even every few months. You may also want to apply a slow-release fertilizer like Osmocote twice during the year – once in early spring and again in late summer.
Remember that too much nitrogen will cause rapid leaf growth but with minimal flower production, while too little nitrogen will cause slow growth of leaves and flowers. If you’re unsure what type of fertilizer to use, consult with an expert before purchasing!
The ideal temperature for Sempervivum raspberry ice is between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below freezing, the plant will die. In the summer, make sure to protect your plant from excessive heat and direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. If you notice the leaves starting to turn brown, move the plant to a cooler location.
Sempervivum raspberry ice requires high humidity to thrive. A good way to increase the humidity around your plant is to use a pebble tray or humidifier. Placing the plant on a pebble tray filled with water or misting the leaves regularly will help to increase the humidity.
Sempervivum raspberry ice also benefits from being placed in a terrarium or other enclosed glass container.
The ideal humidity range is between 80-90%. It’s important not to let the humidity get too low, as this can cause wilting and leaf drops. While they are drought tolerant, they are not able to survive without moisture.
Sempervivums are best pruned in early spring before new growth begins. To prune, simply cut back the spent leaves to the point where they meet the rosette. If your plant is leggy, you can also cut back the stem to encourage new growth.
As sempervivum grow, they will produce offsets (or chicks) around the base of the plant. These can be left to fill in gaps in the garden, or transplanted to create new plants.
When to repot
Every two to three years, sempervivum raspberry ice needs to be replanted in order to keep them healthy. The best time to do this is in the spring. Simply remove the plant from its pot and replant it in a new one that is slightly larger. Be sure to use well-draining soil and water thoroughly after replanting.
Dormancy/Winter rest
Just like most plants, sempervivums go through a period of dormancy or winter rest. This is a natural process that helps the plant conserve energy and protect itself from cold weather.
During this time, the plant will stop growing and producing new leaves. The leaves may also change color, appearing red or brown instead of green. It’s important to make sure your plant gets enough water during this time, as it can be susceptible to dehydration.
Sempervivum raspberry ice flower & fragrance
The sempervivum raspberry ice plant has beautiful, fragrant flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. To keep your plant healthy and encourage blooming, make sure to deadhead spent flowers and give them a light trimming after each bloom cycle. This plant is also great for attracting bees and other pollinators to your garden!
Growth rate
The sempervivum raspberry ice is a very slow-growing plant. In fact, it can take up to two years for the plant to reach its full size. However, once it reaches its full size, it is a very beautiful plant that is well worth the wait. The best way to care for this plant is to keep it in a cool, dry place. It does not like direct sunlight and should be watered sparingly.
Sempervivum plants are not considered toxic to humans. However, if you have any sensitivities to plants, it’s best to avoid contact with these plants.
USDA hardiness zones
Sempervivum raspberry ice thrives best in USDA hardiness zones 7-10. If you live in a cooler climate, it is important to provide protection for the plants. They need protection from the cold and also from being frozen by the freezing temperatures.
In order to protect your plants, be sure to insulate them with straw or other materials that will keep them warm but also allow light to filter through.
Pests and diseases
The Sempervivum Raspberry Ice is a succulent that is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, it can be susceptible to mealybugs, spider mites, and scale. If you notice any of these pests on your plant, you can treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
Diseases that can affect this plant include root rot and powdery mildew. To prevent these diseases, make sure to water your plant only when the soil is dry and avoid getting the leaves wet.