Haworthiopsis attenuata, formerly Haworthia attenuata, commonly known as zebra haworthia succulent, is one of the most attractive Haworthia succulents around.
Unlike other Haworthia succulents which have fat leaves, zebra haworthia features long and skinny leaves that are striped in black and white colors. They can be grown indoors or outdoors and do well in sunny areas with well-drained soil, making them perfect candidates for indoor containers or window boxes.
The zebra haworthia succulent plant is small, only reaching 4 to 8 inches in height, making it perfect for small, indoor spaces like offices and apartments. It grows best in bright shades but does not require direct sunlight. As an added bonus, the Haworthiopsis attenuata plant stays relatively small so you won’t have to worry about it taking over your house!
Haworthiopsis attenuata may be small and delicate, but it is not to be underestimated in terms of its beauty and uniqueness among plants. Haworthiopsis attenuata originates from the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, an area with very low rainfall, sparse vegetation, and rocky terrain.
Origin and distribution
Haworthiopsis attenuata are native to South Africa, in an area known as Namaqualand, where they grow on rocky mountainsides. The climate is extreme, with temperatures ranging from 5 degrees Celsius in the winter to 48 degrees Celsius in the summer. Plants typically grow at heights between 900 and 2,200 meters above sea level.
Zebra haworthias do not grow well when brought outside of their natural environment, so it’s best to buy them from local nurseries instead of importing them for your home garden. Zebra haworthias are extremely popular among succulent collectors, but even among these hobbyists, there is some confusion about what a zebra haworthia actually is.
Some sources claim that only those plants that have yellow stripes can be called Haworthiopsis attenuata; others argue that any plant with alternating bands of green and white can be called a zebra plant. These definitions refer to juvenile plants, however—adults tend to lose their striping entirely or show more subtle variations of it as they age.
Haworthiopsis attenuata propagation
The Haworthiopsis attenuata succulent can be propagated in several ways, but it is most commonly propagated by leaf or stem cuttings. Remove healthy sections of leaves or stems from a mother plant, then allow these cutting to dry and callous for approximately 10-14 days before planting them in well-draining soil.
Keep these plants indoors until they are ready to be transplanted into their permanent outdoor location. Be sure not to overwater these babies during their callous period. They do best when allowed to dry out between waterings.
If you’re having trouble getting your new zebra haworthia to root, try rooting hormone powder on your cuttings—it seems to really help!
This succulent is also easily propagated through division. You can dig up a clump of these guys and separate them into individual specimens.
Just make sure that each new clump has at least one parent plant with a growing tip attached. Zebra haworthias will readily form hybrids with other species in its genus, so care should be taken if you want to propagate only pure species plants.
Haworthia attenuata care information
Haworthiopsis attenuata is a succulent that is durable and easy to care for. You can water your plant when its soil feels dry, but you should avoid letting it get too wet. It thrives in bright but indirect sunlight and requires very little fertilizer if any at all. Maintain low humidity, around 50 percent, as well as a temperature between 50-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Your zebra haworthia succulent may need more frequent watering in an environment with high humidity or warmer temperatures.
Light requirement
Haworthiopsis attenuata likes partial shade, so place it near a window that gets indirect sunlight. It can tolerate some direct sun, but try to place it in a spot that’s shaded for at least part of the day. Zebra haworthias are not as cold-hardy as many other succulents and will suffer if placed outside during winter or fall/spring months.
Soil/potting mix
Haworthiopsis attenuata grow well in soil that is evenly moist and drains well. A mix of sphagnum peat moss and either perlite or sand are good choices for a container. You can also use cactus soil or pumice mixed with composted bark mulch. Make sure your container has at least one drainage hole, as Zebra haworthias do not like sitting in waterlogged soil.
If you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing, it’s best to plant your succulents in containers so they can be moved indoors during cold weather. This will keep them from freezing and dying back to their roots, which would kill them completely.
In colder climates, Zebra haworthias should be planted outdoors from late spring through early fall; if you must bring them inside during the winter months, make sure they receive plenty of light and warmth until temperatures warm up again.
This plant thrives in a soil mixture that drains well but also holds a fair amount of moisture. Use a cactus potting mix for the best results.
Haworthiopsis attenuata watering
Haworthias like to be kept in lightly moist soil. For a succulent that only grows to about four inches, it can get mighty thirsty. While you’re checking soil levels, make sure not to overwater your plant. Give it a good soak in spring and summer, and allow it to dry out between watering so that it doesn’t rot from too much moisture.
If you live in an area with hot summers, choose a planter with drainage holes. This will help keep your haworthia healthy and happy by allowing excess water to drain away.
Haworthiopsis attenuata are not heavy feeders but will respond favorably to well-timed fertilizer. One application every two weeks is usually sufficient to keep succulents in optimal health. If you’re lucky enough to have access to raw chicken manure or compost, these are both ideal fertilizers. Otherwise, water-soluble fertilizer with a ratio of 1:2:1 is a good choice.
Haworthiopsis attenuata is native to South Africa. For optimal growth, keep it indoors at temperatures of 50–60 degrees Fahrenheit during its dormancy period, which typically lasts from December through February.
In general, succulents need relatively high humidity to survive. If you live in a drier area, increasing their humidity is easy, just remember that too much water can kill them just as easily as too little.
To increase humidity for your Haworthiopsis attenuata, try keeping your windows open or using a humidifier. On days when it’s especially hot and dry, soak your haworthias until excess water drains from their pots, but be careful not to overwater them!
The ideal humidity range is 50 to 70 percent. In a dry climate, you may need to increase your home’s humidity by setting up a humidifier or running a hot shower in your bathroom.
On days when it’s especially hot and dry, soak your haworthias until excess water drains from their pots—but be careful not to overwater them! You can also try misting them with water every few days. This will help increase their humidity without damaging their roots.
The process of removing dying or dead material from a plant is called pruning. This step is necessary because it helps prevent further damage to your plant and improves air circulation, which can help reduce pest and disease problems.
Additionally, pruning also promotes new growth, and if you’re looking for new ways to incorporate greenery into your indoor space, that’s certainly a good thing!
Be sure to choose a time when you won’t be interrupted so that you can focus on caring for your plants. If possible, try to plan ahead by checking on them every day; otherwise, visit them at least once every two weeks. While there are several tools available for cutting plants back, many gardeners find their hands work just as well!
When to repot
This plant is slow-growing and takes a long time to grow into its adult size, so repotting isn’t necessary for many years. In fact, once it reaches maturity, you should only repot it when absolutely necessary, such as when its roots have filled every pot in your collection or there’s no more space left in your home to display it.
The first sign that you need to repot will be when its leaves turn yellow. At that point, gently remove all of its soil with a spoon and discard it; then prune off any dead or damaged roots.
Fill up the new container with fresh soil, place your haworthia back inside, water thoroughly, and place it in an area where there’s plenty of sunlight but not too much heat. If you follow these steps carefully, your haworthia should live for several decades before dying of old age!
Haworthiopsis attenuata love to go dormant. In the winter months, keep your succulents’ soil dry but don’t let it completely dry out. Place them in a cool, bright area of your home or office where they will be undisturbed, and be sure to let them dry fully before watering again.
Misting is fine if you live in a humid environment – just don’t overwater during dormancy because that can lead to root rot! If you do see signs of rot, remove any dead leaves immediately.
You may want to repot these guys into smaller containers at some point during their growing season as well; make sure to choose a potting mix with excellent drainage so they don’t get waterlogged and develop problems with their roots.
Haworthiopsis attenuata flower & fragrance
The Haworthiopsis attenuata, zebra haworthia, or zebra plant is a slow-growing, succulent houseplant that produces long green and white striped leaves with tiny white flowers.
The succulent plant comes from South Africa where it thrives in sun or partial shade; haworthias prefer bright but indirect light. If grown outdoors, they enjoy warm temperatures and can handle the summer heat, making them ideal plants for growing in your garden during warmer months.
Growth rate
The Haworthiopsis attenuata grows slowly and is not considered a fast grower. In fact, in their native habitat, they can live for over 150 years! However, they are tough enough to handle dry and arid climates so even if you don’t keep your zebra haworthia moist at all times, it will likely be fine. The hardiest succulents will survive almost anything Mother Nature throws at them.
Due to their poisonous sap, care should be taken when handling these plants. Gloves should be worn and contact with the skin should be avoided. The chemical composition of each species varies slightly, so it is important to research your own before handling or placing it in an environment you may come into contact with.
The most common toxic agents are calcium oxalate crystals, glucosides, and alkaloids.
USDA Hardiness Zones
Haworthiopsis attenuata thrive well in USDA hardiness zones 9b through 11. If you live outside of these regions, consider growing another variety of succulents or cactus.
However, if you’re determined to grow haworthia, keep them indoors during cold months and bring them out during warmer weather. If you must grow Haworthiopsis attenuata outdoors year-round, choose a location that receives partial shade and is protected from strong winds.
Pests and diseases
The most common problems with Haworthiopsis attenuata are root mealybugs and scale insects. These are particularly common in indoor collections where it is more difficult to keep pests under control, especially during winter dormancy.
Root mealybugs can be controlled by gently pulling them off and washing them down into a bucket of water mixed with an insecticidal soap such as Safer Insecticidal Soap or horticultural oil such as neem oil.
The leaves of a Haworthiopsis attenuata are vulnerable to fusarium wilt and other fungal diseases. To prevent disease, avoid wetting leaves when watering. Use well-draining soil and allow room for good air circulation. If a zebra haworthia succulent is already infected with a fungal disease, remove it from your collection.
Haworthiopsis attenuata makes great houseplants, but they’re also relatively small and easy to transport. This makes them an excellent choice for taking on your next road trip. Just make sure you have enough water with you, these succulents don’t do well when left to dry out!